But over the years, I have realised the importance of data.

To be honest, I used these services because they are free. I still have Google Drive and iCloud - primarily because they are there as part of my already in use accounts but I don’t store my data on them. OneDrive was the first to go, followed by DropBox. Now I use none of these free clouds storages. I even used OneDrive since when it was still called SkyDrive. Similarly, iCloud was present with Apple devices. I also used Google Drive because it was bundled with Google account. I remember signing up for DropBox at least a decade ago and recommending it on my blog which helped me ‘earn’ additional free storage. You would sign up with a service like DropBox or Google Drive and use the free tier to its limit. A few years ago, I wasn’t any different from anyone else who wanted a cloud storage.